Monday 19 January 2015

Wildest Dreams

Even if it's just in your wildest dreams

Hi guys (aka the two people that actually read this thing),

So my twenty-fifteen has had a rocky start - anyone else feel like that?

The new year was supposed to be full of exciting and wonderful things, and yet life never turns out that way does it. Now they just seem like distant dreams, destined to never come true.

I wanted this year to be different. I wanted to become a better and stronger person and all I'm learning is that I don't know if I even can. Mind over Matter, right? I'm not sure if that is even a thing that applies to someone like me. How can you become someone else when you don't even know who you are to begin with.

I had a fight with my number one best friend in the whole world. I have several people I consider best friends, but this one is my number one. She's been that way for six years now, and while we've had a few ups and downs, we've always been there. I hurt her and she hurt me. Now I think we're a little bit broken and I'm not sure if we'll ever be able to come back to any sort of semblance to what we used to have, but losing her completely would change me. Of course, having a fight with her was not a great way to start 2015. What our fight did, was help point out many of my flaws, and while I'm aware of them, it made me wonder whether I had the ability to be someone different. Then again, you and only you alone, can change yourself, and sometimes it takes way longer than expected. Your friends and family can point out those flaws, but only you can make them different. That's what my fiancĂ© made me realise, and he knows me better than I do, so clearly he's on to something. 

So if you don't like something about yourself, change it. Only you can make the difference in your life. At least, that's what I'm going to try to do.


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