Friday 3 July 2015

I Wish You Would

Wish you were right here, right now

Hey everyone, and by everyone, I mean like my one reader (Thanks Hannah )

How are we all? Good, good. Cookie? Yes please!

So I'm not exactly sure why I'm writing this, or even what I want to say, but I just wanted you all to know that being an adult SUCKS.

No, hear me out. There is definitely the good parts - the drinking and the staying out late and the eating whatever you want etc etc.


There is money and bills, and trying save for things, but spending it all on BILLS. Late nights get old because you get old and all you want to do is sleep because you are tired, like, ALL THE TIME. The eating whatever you want, which you will still do, now fills you with REGRET because holy sh*t, look at all those pimples that popped up mere hours later, and no I don't even want to step on the scales thank you very much.

Then there are the adult responsibilities. WORKING, for the rest of your human years, in a job you will most likely hate, if not eventually loathe, even just for the idiots you are surrounded with. MORTGAGE, because you need a steady home in which you can eventually have a family. Which leads me to... FAMILY, in which you are constantly hounded for not having a significant other the older you get, or if you do, when are you getting hitched or popping out little ones.

And of course, they don't teach you useful stuff, like how to budget or figure out taxes or basically anything that actually has to do with being an adult. IT SUCKS.

Sorry for the rant guys, I just... have been having a hell of a time recently.

Love you all 


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