Friday 3 July 2015

I Wish You Would

Wish you were right here, right now

Hey everyone, and by everyone, I mean like my one reader (Thanks Hannah )

How are we all? Good, good. Cookie? Yes please!

So I'm not exactly sure why I'm writing this, or even what I want to say, but I just wanted you all to know that being an adult SUCKS.

No, hear me out. There is definitely the good parts - the drinking and the staying out late and the eating whatever you want etc etc.


There is money and bills, and trying save for things, but spending it all on BILLS. Late nights get old because you get old and all you want to do is sleep because you are tired, like, ALL THE TIME. The eating whatever you want, which you will still do, now fills you with REGRET because holy sh*t, look at all those pimples that popped up mere hours later, and no I don't even want to step on the scales thank you very much.

Then there are the adult responsibilities. WORKING, for the rest of your human years, in a job you will most likely hate, if not eventually loathe, even just for the idiots you are surrounded with. MORTGAGE, because you need a steady home in which you can eventually have a family. Which leads me to... FAMILY, in which you are constantly hounded for not having a significant other the older you get, or if you do, when are you getting hitched or popping out little ones.

And of course, they don't teach you useful stuff, like how to budget or figure out taxes or basically anything that actually has to do with being an adult. IT SUCKS.

Sorry for the rant guys, I just... have been having a hell of a time recently.

Love you all 


Tuesday 31 March 2015

New Romantics

Every night with us is like a dream

Hello everyone! Holy smokes, it's been awhile since my last post so I am going to apologise PROFUSELY until you all forgive me.... I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY.

Am I forgiven now? Good. So a lot has happened since my last post. I finally went to Germany to see my friend and it was incredible! Don't worry, pictures will come (eventually). I started university for the year (and am already wanting it to be over) and my fiancĂ© and I had to cut our wedding budget by half. Shit got crazy.

Just some inspiration to keep you all going. I promise my next post will be more exciting, I just stopped in to let you know I am actually still alive, even though I am living under a rock! hehehe

Disney forever <3333333

Until next time my lovers,


Monday 19 January 2015

Wildest Dreams

Even if it's just in your wildest dreams

Hi guys (aka the two people that actually read this thing),

So my twenty-fifteen has had a rocky start - anyone else feel like that?

The new year was supposed to be full of exciting and wonderful things, and yet life never turns out that way does it. Now they just seem like distant dreams, destined to never come true.

I wanted this year to be different. I wanted to become a better and stronger person and all I'm learning is that I don't know if I even can. Mind over Matter, right? I'm not sure if that is even a thing that applies to someone like me. How can you become someone else when you don't even know who you are to begin with.

I had a fight with my number one best friend in the whole world. I have several people I consider best friends, but this one is my number one. She's been that way for six years now, and while we've had a few ups and downs, we've always been there. I hurt her and she hurt me. Now I think we're a little bit broken and I'm not sure if we'll ever be able to come back to any sort of semblance to what we used to have, but losing her completely would change me. Of course, having a fight with her was not a great way to start 2015. What our fight did, was help point out many of my flaws, and while I'm aware of them, it made me wonder whether I had the ability to be someone different. Then again, you and only you alone, can change yourself, and sometimes it takes way longer than expected. Your friends and family can point out those flaws, but only you can make them different. That's what my fiancĂ© made me realise, and he knows me better than I do, so clearly he's on to something. 

So if you don't like something about yourself, change it. Only you can make the difference in your life. At least, that's what I'm going to try to do.


Monday 5 January 2015

Out of the Woods

We were in screaming colour
Hi guys :)

Today I want to tell you a bit about my "resolutions" for 2015. I say resolutions, but I really hate that word and everything associated with new years resolutions, because majority of us just don't keep them for long.

So I'm going to call it my Twenty-Fifteen Challenge. Okay, so basically as lame as resolutions. Really, I want it to be something that sticks.

Here's what my challenge is: To lose at least a kilo per month. To get into a routine of exercising at least three times per week. To start having a more well-rounded diet.

I know, I know. That's half the new years resolutions that get made. But this year HAS to be the year, or it's never going to happen. Honestly, I'm really sick of looking in the mirror and hating what I see. Now is as good a time as any to change that.

So here's how I'm going to accomplish it:

I have started by downloading some apps that I'm hoping will be motivation for getting my butt moving.

Couch-to-5K (iPhone / Android) - This app is designed to get your body ready to comfortably jog for 30 minutes, aka 5ks. It runs three times per week, for nine weeks. This is going to be my starting point for exercise. It will help me set a routine, and be my baseline for future exercising.

Noom Coach (iPhone / Android) - Noom is an app designed to help you log your meals/weight progress. It also has a pedometer to count your steps (although I'm not sure how accurate it is). This will help me to watch (not count!) my calorie intake, and make sure I'm on the right track. It also has groups, recipes and waist graphs, but those are only in the pro version of the app, which for now, I'll skip.

Water Your Body (Android) - Okay, so I know this probably seems stupid, but I actually have terribly trouble trying to drink ANY water during the day, much less 2litres of it. This app has regular notifications to remind you to drink water throughout the day, and tracks how much you have drunk/have still to drink. Perfect for a beginner like me!

Lorna Jane (iPhone / Android) - This app has a workout tracker, recipes and daily inspiration. Another app to give me extra motivation, plus the workout tracker is for more than just running/walking, which is perfect.

S Health - A Samsung app designed to help record workouts/weight. Just for a little extra motivation, because it's already on my phone!

So those are the apps that I've chosen to help me on my journey.

The other thing I've started is Lite n' Easy. By doing this, I'll be getting the appropriate number of calories set per day, with healthy choices, plus snacks too. This will be the way to start my well-rounded diet.

So that's my challenge for twenty-fifteen. What about you guys? What are your challenges for the new year? Do you have any other health/fitness apps that you can recommend me?

Until next time...


Thursday 1 January 2015


The sky turned black like a perfect storm

Twenty-Fifteen has arrived my lovelies, and with it brings promise of new and exciting adventures, and a clean slate.

New fads and trends will arise, and hopefully some will die with the end of 2014.

(Yes, I am talking about "bae". Let's fuck that shit right off okay.)

For me personally, Twenty-Fifteen brings university, wedding planning and travel. I love when a new year starts, and not even just for the partying to bring it in! It brings so much hope and excitement to what lies ahead. It makes you feel like you can start again, be someone different, make changes or try harder.

Of course, I have no resolutions - because I know I can't keep them so I've given up trying. Basically, I try to stay alive.

So I hope every one has an amazing New Years and I look forward to big things in the future for everyone! Hopefully more random posts :)


Friday 19 December 2014

Bad Blood

I was thinking you could be trusted

Hey guys, are we over Christmas yet? Ready for 2015 to arrive?

Today, I want to talk about something on a bit more of a serious note. Recently, one of my best friends has been feeling a bit down about some of her friends. And I know, that she isn't alone in the world with this. I guarantee at any point in one's life, you will wonder about your friend/s. Let me share a little, personal story with you all.

A few years ago, my best friend in the whole world, who I had been friends with for over twelve years made the choice to screw me over. She basically stole thousands of dollars from me and my young family. And yet, it's never that simple. My daughter is named after her. I was aunty to her children, kids I absolutely loved and adored. But I couldn't forgive her for what she'd done - especially as she wasn't sorry. So I made the hard choice to dump her as a friend. After what had happened, I began seeing her for who she truly was and I didn't like her any more. It opened my eyes to other things that had happened in the past, and I began to realise that all she cared about most, was herself. She made me feel like I was the bad friend, over and over again, but I could see now that I was never completely in the wrong, and it was her way of keeping her hold over me.

This all happened about four years ago, and yet I still wonder what I would do if I ever bumped into her at the shops. I still wonder how her kids are, how her life is going. Sometimes, I still wonder if I made the right choice. But then I think about everything that happened, including a message from her mother apologising for the horrible actions of her daughter, and realise I've made the right decision. And if she wanted to keep me in her life, she would have done a lot more to try make it up to me, but she did nothing.

No one needs those kinds of people in their lives, people who make you feel bad, make you wonder, and they make you truly cherish the amazing friends you do have. We all have a short life to live, and we only get one. We shouldn't be wasting our time and energy with people who don't care. In saying that, every situation is different, and you have to assess your actions based on what you think. Whether your friends are putting you down, trying to steal others away from you, or even making you feel like they've left you behind, in the end you just need to do what is right for YOU. Always remember that.


Monday 15 December 2014

Shake It Off

I'm dancing on my own

Hey guys! How are you doing? *squishy hugs* these are for you!

So, have you ever had a bad day? Silly question, of course you have. Everyone has bad days, some have more bad days than others. 
But the biggest difference between us all is how we let our bad days define us. Do we wallow in our misfortune? Do we use it as a learning curve? Do we shake it off? Yes yes, I know, easier said than done.
Sometimes all we need to do is dance. Alone in your room. Together with your friends. In the kitchen. Wherever, whenever. Trust me on this one, it makes even the rainiest days a bit less gloomy.

I mean, doesn't Will Smith look like he doesn't have a care in the world. Also yes, this is totally me. Don't judge okay.

At least you aren't this guy. Just think about that....

Have a lovely week and I'll give you more crappy advice another day! Au Revoir!



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